Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exercise for windows excel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exercise for windows excel - Essay Example Next, the planning phase must include the sources of funding the project and how these will be distributed. The third phase is the execution step i.e. putting in practice what was planned. Moreover, a project management must have a closing stage, which is a review of the success of the project, possible restraints and also possible changes to be implemented. During the implementation of the project, communication plays a crucial role because thoughts should be conveyed in a timely, accurate, and relevant manner. Two types of communication are possible i.e. synchronous if those communicating are communicating at the same time and asynchronous if those communicating are not able to communicate at the same time the communication is called. Another aspect related to project management is emotional intelligence, which is connected to the leaders ability to: have an awareness i.e. an understanding of the different emotions that may be present during project activities, must have an ability to appraise the degree of the emotion, and must have the ability to direct the course of the emotion i.e. in some way to have a degree of control related to the emotion. The quality of emotional intelligence that the project leader should have will help in the communication process by influencing the trust the team members will have in the leader and in this way, the success of the project. Although the manager of the project has all these skills, conflicts may still arise so conflict resolution skills should characterize the leader. Related to the success of this process, time and cost management are two important issues. A first rule that applies is to prioritize the things that need to be done, followed by time spent for developing personal relationships. Also, it is important to make sure that the person responsible plans to complete the activity, and attempts to be organized. Finally, an essential rule is to have the ability of becoming adaptable to

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